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Sorry gym... I don't need you!

I have always had some kind of relationship with fitness. A million years ago I was a certified group training instructor and taught aerobics and step classes at my local Virgin Active. (What?!) My oldest friends will remember that phase - I loved it so much but I was earning about R23 per class and that couldn't even cover my insurance... so I quit.

My relationship with fitness slowly started to fizzle out and was finally extinguished when I moved to the UK to study. Eventually, due to carb and alcohol overload, I got fat. I joined a gym, took spinning and kickboxing classes but I just couldn't seem to shed that extra 10kgs. (It may have had something to do with all the bagels on Golders Green high street)

Fast forward 10 years. YES 10 YEARS! My weight fluctuated, but not in huge amounts and I tried running, going to the gym and I even saw a personal trainer 3 times a week but nothing seemed to stick. Or work.

Enter the home workout. Courtsey of my incredibly inspiring friend, Katherine. (see her great website at Katherine sent me a copy of a home exercise programme called Piyo. Don't worry - this blog post is not about that. This post is about the fact that we no longer have an excuse not to get moving. There is so much free material available online - for us South Africans, youtube is our best friend. You can find anything and everything on there and I'm teling you - it works, and some of these trainers are hilarious. for example, check out:

Sara Solomon ( This woman is hilarious.

We are all so busy these days with work, kids, social engagements - we have to find smart ways of using our time. Home workouts are perfect for people who have little kids or crazy freelance lifestyles.

I spent so much money on gyms and trainers and now, not only am I saving money, I can roll out of bed in the morning, drag myself to the living room and do a workout before work. I don't have to get in my car, look for parking, be seen at my early morning worst and I can jump around and sweat s much as I like without the worry that someone is looking at me and judging me - excpect maybe Josh.You don't need to do more than 15-30 minutes to start feeling better about yourself. It's so freaking easy, it just takes a bit of initial consistency to form the habit.

You can find anything on youtube, whether you're looking to target specific muscle groups, just do cardio, HIIT training or even yoga.

Below are some examples of great home workout channels - Just try it for 5 mins and if you don't feel inspired, stop... or just keep going and I promise you'll get into it!

Autumn Calabrese

Chalene Johnson

Yoga with Adriene

Dr Sara Solomon

Fitness Blender

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