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No Regrets Oat Muffin Recipe

I was originally given a recipe for "carrot cake oat muffins', and they were good, however I found that because of the carrot, they didn't keep particularly well. They also weren't blended so the texture was very coarse and they would always fall apart when I tried to eat them!

I tinkered around with the recipe to come up with somthing that I now LOVE. These are clean, healthy ingredients that you can source yourself. It's the perfect way to saciate that sweet craving and get yourself weened off those processed sugars!


2.5 Cups rolled Oats (I like Wellness Warehouse Oats)

1 tsp Baking Powder

1,5 tsp Cinammon (Miracle spice!)

2 Eggs

1 tsp Vanilla Essence

2 Tbsn Coconut Oil

1/4 cup Chocolate Almond Butter (Available at Woolies or Wellness Warehouse)

1/4 Cup Honey/Maple Syrup (Make sure you get good, clean stuff - no chemicals)

1\3 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips (add at the end)

I sometimes add in an extra 1/4 cup of honey or maple syrup for a bit of extra sweetness.

I put all the ingredients together in my blender and then pulse the mixture until it's almost like a paste. Add in the chocolate chips, fill your muffin tin and place in the oven at 180 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them the first time because all ovens are different!

Enjoy :-)

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