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The Food Epiphany

The "aaaah!" moment about food. I feel like it happens to everyone at some point and I was just a very late bloomer.

About a year ago I was out for lunch with a few friends and I was totally taken aback when one of them looked at the menu with her nose scrunched up and said "I won't eat anything, I don't put this kind of crap in my body. I only eat clean food." I thought SHE was full of crap and a total food snob. I was firmly of the belief that I was eating well and looking pretty good... For me, anyway.

Here I am, a year later also saying that I eat clean. I began a slow journey into health, nutrition and fitness when I came back from an indulgent holiday in the UK. I started running and that eventually led to me hiring a personal trainer. I got some results and I was happy for a while. I saw some friends posting before and after pictures and that completely sparked my interest - I wanted THOSE results! My friends were doing Beachbody home fitness programmes, so I got a hold of them (not so easy as they don't ship to SA) and I've had great results so far, but I've always known about exercise, what I didn't know was how to eat properly. I'm finally opening my eyes.

Eating clean just means eating food in it's most natural form, not touched by chemicals or chemical processes. Exchanging the processed ingredients for the clean ones takes a little research and a genuine desire but it's not too much of a mission and you really do feel so much, for lack of a more interesting word, healthier. I eat more than ever before even though portion control is key. I prepare my food every Sunday afternoon so that I don't buy pricey, unnecessary snacks at woolies - I'm losing weight, improving my skin, feeling more energised AND saving money!

The goal here is balance and this is just one teeny tiny way in which I am trying to achieve it. I'm not saying never eat a burger again - I just had steak and chips last night! Let's just be mindful of what we put in our bodies so that we become resillient and healthier beings in the long run.

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