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Just Let Them

I've been writing a lot about personal development, making positive changes and implementing positive habits. I'm all about growth and moving forward because it's so easy to stagnate if we don't mindfully push ourselves.

So now we've started making changes, working out, eating clean, reading books, listening to podcasts, meditation, yoga, writing... whatever it is that helps you to feel like you're gaining momentum, and what happens? People start commenting. Did you ask for their comments? Probably not. Should you listen to what they are saying? Well, it depends. You have to ascertain what the motive is behind the comment - are they genuinely trying to help you be better? Are they worried about you? I believe that most of the time, negative comment serve no-one. They make the person saying them look bad and they make the person recieving them feel bad. Who is that helping?!

Your journey is exactly that - YOUR journey. People always want to have their say, and maybe they think what you're doing is silly or a waste of time but the fact is that unless you're harming someone in the process, what difference does it make? It's making you feel happy and fulfilled and that is what matters.

Change makes people very uncomfortable, even more so when it shines a light on things they know they could improve on but haven't yet made the effort. Change can also scare people because they're comfortable with the way things are, or the way you are. Comfort can be a dangerous state of mind because it is so easy for us to indulge in it and never move outside of it. This is why friendship, relationships and marriages are always evolving, because we can't help but change. There is no point resisting it.

Since creating this website I have had some wonderful and positive feedback, but I have also had a number of mocking, sarcastic remarks and the thing is this: Those negative remarks and sarcasm say absolutely nothing about me. I am on a quest to find balace and design a life in which I can feel happiness every day. A few little comments here and there make me sad of course, because the people making them are my friends, but they are not going to make me delete my website, stop helping the womem in my accountability group or going to yoga. I will keep doing those things because I can do what I want! (Yay)

My point is this: Do what you want to do! Never let the fear of what people might do or say put you off a goal or dream that you have. Just let them say what they want about you because at the end of it all, you'll be growing and changing, becoming stronger and happier. They will still be sitting in the same place making their sarcastic remarks, and because we know where they are, we can always go back and say hello when we feel like it, but we don't have to stay there with them.

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