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Choose to be Positive

So someone said something really negative to me the other day and I was completely shocked! It was then that I realised that I have done such a fabulous job of surrounding myself with positive people that I am no longer equipt to deal with negativity when it is directed at me!

Maybe I'm living in some kind of happy bubble and the negativity around me just passes by without me taking notice. Sometimes I think I can feel negativity coming towards me and so I choose to walk the other way or just ignore it.

It's got me thinking. Why are we so negative towards ourselves and each other when it clearly isn't serving anyone? I suppose it could be human nature, always thinking we should be better or maybe it's the media, making us measure ourselves against some imaginery intelligence, wealth and beauty yardstick. Whatever it is, I'm sick of it and I'm going to consciously try to disengage from it.

I have heard it said that every result we have in our lives is due to our actions. Those actions are results of our thoughts and those thoughts are a result of our feelings. Human beings can be so mindless that we are not even aware of what emotions we are feeling at any given time. If we were to become more mindful and take not of these feelings, we could start to be proactive about the results we want to see in our lives, rather than just settle for what we end up with.

Take a moment to think about the results you see in your life. Your friends, your job, your home - everything you have and have achieved is thanks to you and you alone. We decide our outcomes by the way we approach life. Most of us have some really wonderful results. When I realised this and took a look at my life, I was amazed at the happiness and love I have managed to manifest through my naturally positive approach to life. I'm incredibly lucky... but imagine if we could all be more in control of our feelings, thoughts and actions. We always have a choice and often we don't even stop to make that choice.

You may be thinking this isn't really true and that sometimes you can feel more than one emotion at a time. I'm not saying you shouldn't allow yourself to feel every emotion available to you in the rainbow of feelings, but what I am saying is that when we feel a negative emotion we need to be mindful enough to stop, recognise that feeling and choose how to move forward with it.

You may think I'm cheesy and I do sometimes get the feeling that it's easier to stand around and moan about everything that's wrong with the world but the truth is that if we start every day, every thought, every word and every action from a place of negativity, it serves no-one. Least of all ourselves. Positivity breeds positivity - and it starts from within.

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