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The 28 Day Re-design

One year ago I was overweight, fatigued, sluggish, apathetic and desperately seeking happiness within myself. Since taking my first steps into an education that I was not expecting, I have learned that happiness is not something that we seek but rather something that we create and "do" every day of our lives. It's human nature to feel as though we should always be striving for this elusive "happiness". When I have that car I'll be happy, when I'm earning "x" I'll be happy... why? Why can we not just be content and happy with where we are now and create an environment in which we feel safe in the knowledge that our goals can be reached in the comfort of happiness.

The 28 day re-design accountability group will follow the course of my experience. One week focusing on each element. I will fast track what I have learned into 4 weeks, with a new "healthy habit" being introduced each week.

Week 1: Exercise

Week 2: Eat Clean

Week 3: Organise

Week 4: Personal Development

Each day I will share a lesson, a tool, advice from experts, meal plans, recipes and loads of other content in order to help anyone who is looking for a positive lifestyle shift, reach their goals. This kind of accountability was what enabled me to change my body, my health and ultimately my productivity and overall happiness.

All of this will be completely free and anyone who takes part will become a member of a community, a safe space that is supportive, positive and open. A space where you can share your doubts, worries, successes and selfies!

If you are someone who is interested in reducing anxiety, increasing energy, feeling healthier and more enriched, please fill out the contact sheet below and you will be added to the group. We start on the 10th of August!

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 Share your ideas with us!


Subscribe to the Balance Project by submitting your favourite clean recipes or effective exercises and you could be featured for a week!

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