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Balanced Laziness

My boyfriend and I have been asking each other this question a lot lately...

"Why do we never want to go out?!"

I literally NEVER want to go out. I love being at home. I love being on my couch in the evenings. I love watching series. I love cooking and then enjoying the food I've made. I love snuggling with my man and my puppy. Am I the only one?

I'm pretty sure other people are going out and doing exciting things. It's not for lack of friends or options, but more due to the fact that the older I get, the more sleep I need to function!

The problem is that the days just start to tick by and I feel like we never DO anything. I can understand how my friends with kids have a reason to almost never go out (and most of them go out more than us!), but we don't even have kids! We're young (well, he is), financially kind of ok and yet when it comes down to it, we just want to stay home, together.

It would be great to know that this is the norm? If it isn't, I'd love to know how people fill their days with work and their evenings with dinners and drinks and shows and gigs and concerts and and and. Do they have time for exercise and grocery shopping? Where are you supposed to fit it all in?

I would love to say that we're going to aim to change this and start going out more but I already know it's not likely to happen. At the end of the day (excuse the pun), I guess whatever you do with your free time, as long as it makes you happy, I think it's all good.

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